Zesty Noodle Salad

Makes 1-2. Total time : 15min

An all time favourite - versatile and satisfying, full of flavour and crunch.
You can experiment with different veg and protein sources. My favourite combo is mix leaves, red cabbage, cucumber, avo and steamed green beans, with smoked salmon or sliced kangaroo steak.



    • Rice vermicelli (1 bundle/serve 50g dry)

    • 1/2 Lebanese cucumber

    • 1 handful shredded red cabbage

    • 1 handful mixed leaves

    • 1/4 avocado

    • Any other veg : green beans, mushrooms, carrots...

    • ~100g protein : tempeh, tofu, smoked salmon, sliced steak or shredded chicken

    • 1 tbsp kimchi, Spring onion


    • 1 tsp ginger (paste/grated),

    • ~1tbsp tamari,

    • 1 squeeze lemon juice,

    • 1 tsp sesame oil,

    • 1 tsp honey,

    • 1 tbsp sesame seeds.



  1. Cook vermicelli as per instructions, rinse under cold water.

  2. Pan fry tempeh, tofu or meat if needed, cut in strips ( I recommend marinating tofu/tempeh in sesame oil, tamari and ginger powder)

  3. Fine chop cucumber, avo, red cabbage and grate carrot. Assemble all ingredients together in a bowl.

  4. Top with kimchi & chopped spring onion


  1. Add all the ingredients in a jar (except for the sesame seeds) and shake well until combined.

  2. Pour over salad. Keep any leftovers in the fridge.

  3. Optional - sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds.


  • This recipe is great for volume and satiety - it’s high protein, high fibre, and low energy. In other words, an amazing dish for weight management.

  • Mixed leaves, cucumber, mushrooms are great non-starchy vegetables I use a lot - they are so versatile and rich in micronutrients (eg. vitamin K, fibre, vitamin C…).

  • Cabbage, mushroom and ginger are great for gut health. Increased food diversity is associated with a health gut microbiome, cabbage and mushroom are prebiotic, aka it feed the good gut bugs. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Finally, adding in avocado increases the dish’ content of polyunsaturated fatty acids - aka. good fats.

  • NOTE : This recipe uses tamari, but you swap this for soy sauce.


Zoodle Plant-Based Bolognese